Thursday, August 23, 2012


1. With the demise of the Soviet Union, and China clearly and consciously taking the capitalist road (plus one-party rule, just like Hitler did), what hope is left for Marxism? Cuba, North Korea and the Indian state of Tripura?

2. Whenever Communists are told of the success of Capitalist economies they always produce
 spurious arguments, like you cannot compare Singapore with India, and so on. But the best comparison to illustrate the failure of Communism is between North and South Korea, even better than between erstwhile West and East Germany. East Germany had to erect a wall so that their Germans would not escape their Workers' Paradise to enter 'decadent, capitalist' West Germany. North and South Korea have almost the same area, same population, same ethnic stock, same language, same culture, except that South Korea is a capitalist democracy, while north is a 'hereditary Communist state'. South Korea is in the first world; North Korea suffers from famine and a chronically malnourished population, and is branded as a 'rogue state'.

3. Maoists abuse nationalism, Indian Army, police, state, everyone, but are strangely reticent about the sort of social order they want to bring about if they are successful (some hope!). What they want to bring about is Mao's and Pol Pot's type of rule. Both of these were nothing less than demons. Estimates on the number killed during his disastrous experiment called 'Great Leap Forward' (1958-1960) vary from 18 million to 45 million of his countrymen, and those during the 'Cultural revolution' (1966-68) may run to tens of millions. Pol Pot, communist dictator of Cambodia envisaged a state where there would be only peasants and soldiers, and everyone else was to be killed. He killed off an estimated 21% of his population. IS THIS THE SORT OF SOCIAL ORDER THE MAOISTS WANT TO BRING ABOUT? 

4. Lenin died from General Paralysis of the Insane (GPI), a complication of Syphilis, a sexually transmitted disease, which one normally gets from whoring around. Is this type human relationship the communists are envisioning? That is, to bring equality and brotherhood by indiscriminate sexual intercourse with countless men and women and die peacefully of STDs (sexually transmitted diseases)?

5. Mao Zedong was an incurable womanizer and used to frolic with teenage girl when he was a decrepit old man. Is this sort of character the communists want to build for the progress of humankind?

6) Communists always claim that the emancipation of women is their noble goal. Mao even described the condition of women in society as one of ‘daily rape’, defended women’s emancipation and argued that it could only take place after a complete overhaul of Chinese society. But we see that the Soviet red army raped thousands of German and Austrian women after the fall of Berlin in 1945 and perhaps two million women over its occupied territories, thousands of women were systematically raped by Mao’s red guards throughout the great leap forward and the Pol Pot’s zealots in Cambodia and elsewhere in the communist world. The Committee for Human Rights in North Korea estimates that up to 200,000 North Koreans are imprisoned in concentration camps of the country now and many thousands of women are being subjected to daily rape. So is this type of freedom communists want to bring about for women?

By A Former ABVP JNU Activist..............
Debabrata Mandal

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